Directed More Towards Those With the Double-X Chro

June 12 2007, 6:50 PM

We have all read those MySpace bulletins with subject lines that sound kind of like this:

"10 Ways to tell a guy is in love wit you!!11!"

And it goes on to say things like "He'll put his arm around you", or "He'll give you his jacket when you're cold".


Is this seriously what society is calling love? I can honestly say that I have never been in love, and don't have any personal expierience of it. In fact, I still debate in my mind whether love is just human, or if it is a real existing thing. And although I am inexperienced, I believe that I at least know enough to know that those bulletins that people post have nothing to do with love. Those have more to do with infatuation.

Now, please don't get on my case saying "Omg Tiffany, I've seen people in love with their arms around each other." It is true that these are things that people may choose to do with the one that they love, but they also happen quite frequently with those not in love.

In fact, I can say that it has twice happened where a guy gave me his jacket when I was cold, and our relationship was nothing more than friendship. It was chivalrous sure, but it did not mean that he was in love with me.

So please girls, don't make yourselves look pathetic.

Thanks in advance.


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My Entire Viewpoint on Life.

June 12 2007, 6:49 PM

On the last day I will be a coward.

The sun shall rise as it always does.

The weather will be the same as it always is.

I'll wear an outfit I've wore before,

and none will know I'm crushed inside.


Is this really how I want to live my life? No, it's not. I'm going to do everything in my power to change my perspective on life to one that is more optimistic, and not so dark and dreary. I hate dealing with the extra baggage, and I'm slowly realizing why they say "live every day like it's your last". Maybe I should start doing that.

With the deaths of friends and family members you'd think I'd have learned the lesson to use the time I have with them wisely, but I haven't. I still lack the courage to come right out and tell people what I really think about them, good or bad. So as I grow older [and hopefully wiser] I'm going to start doing that. I mean, it's not like I can just do it over again, I only get my one life.

I don't know sometimes though. Maybe I'm supposed to have a pessimistic view on life. I mean, it gives my writing a different edge to it. My mind is debating these two thoughts.

I'm really only a kid, is there all that much that can change about my entire viewpoint on life?

Who knows.


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What If?

June 12 2007, 6:48 PM

What if my heart represented a bridge?

A bridge that brings others together, to love one another.

What if that was all I ever wanted in life?

To help others, and not just myself.

What if I could be more open?

Expressing my feelings through words and actions.

What if I could say something?

Instead of just cheering inside for your accomplishments from afar.


"What If"s are my plaugue, and I do nothing to find their answers. No matter how many questions I ask, I don't search for conclusions. Are the questions really that bad? Or are they natural?

Part of "The Growing Process"?

If so, "The Growing Process" makes me feel pathetic.


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